
"Dr. Otto Warburg wins first Nobel Prize for work proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen in the cells. "

1931: Dr. Otto Warburg wins first Nobel Prize for work proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen in the cells. He states in "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" that the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.

As we have seen through the Jupiter Effect planetary alignments don't generate that kind of pull. If Elenin was really that powerful we'd notice more general earth disturbances, with some spikes during alignments. As it is there weren't even any unusual tidal activities reported. So what's really going on?

My guess is that weather weapons are being used. There's been a lot of talk that this is what HAARP is for. If you have the tech to trigger an earthquake anywhere in the world then you have some major pull. Go along with the satanist agenda or we drop a quake on you and knock you to 3rd World level. When you get around to rebuilding you might be happy to take some IMF money, complete with strings attatched. Or you can spend the rest of your lives digging out of the rubble, like Haiti.

The Elenin story provides a convenient smoke screen. Enviro meddling through tech can be claoked with dommsday scenarios. In other words "Don't blame us - the comet did it". Since the public has been programmed to accept the Mayan Calendar for about ten years through "The elephant in the room" type predictive programming, everyone will be more likely to accept the comet theory. It will coincide with the stuff they've been trying not to think about for awhile. It also give the powers that be a way to set deadlines. They can law down the law to rogue nations - "toe the line by such and such date" and then set the deadline for Elenin's next alignment."

Source YouTube

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